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We are God’s well-loved children! We are young, not-so young, married, single, in partnerships, widows, and widowers. We are ethnically, racially, politically, socially, economically, and theologically diverse, and we love each other! We like to say that we are blessed to be a blessing! We use who we are to build relationships with each other and the neighbors around us.


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Welcome to worship! We continue in the season of Epiphany, when the church focuses on the ways that God in Jesus Christ is revealed to the world around us. We’re glad you’re here!

Our February lunch follows worship today! We are blessed to be serenaded today by the Gulftones Barbershop Chorus.

Next Sunday we receive the 2-Cents-a-Meal offering, which supports food insecurity ministries of First Church and Florida Presbytery. Because of your generosity, hungry people are fed. It’s as simple, and as profound, as that!

February is Black History Month. This year’s theme is "African Americans and Labor" with a focus on the various and profound ways that work of all kinds intersects with the collective experiences of Black people. For more information from the Smithsonian Institute, go to

Looking Ahead: the holy season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on March 5. Lent is a 40-day period during which Christians anticipate with humility the death and resurrection of Christ. A brief worship service will be held on Ash Wednesday from 12:15-12:45 in the sanctuary; the imposition of ashes will take place for those who want them.

The Spring Gathering of Florida Presbytery’s Presbyterian Women will be held at Dogwood Acres camp on Saturday, March 8. Cost for the day is $20. Ladies, if you’d like to attend, please contact Rosa Stanley!

Have you found your place in the life of First Church? Our active congregation counts on all of us to take part in our ministries of love, compassion, and service! The “Finding Your Place” form is in the Narthex!

Tomorrow is Presidents’ Day! Who is your favorite president, and why?

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